True or False ABAP Questions
1) Logical Directory path can be used to transfer files from Application server to SAP R/3 system? FALSE 2) At the most 30 breakpoints can be used in a ABAP Program? TRUE 3) Cluster Table can never be used in the table joins? TRUE 4) Lock object can be created individually for any Database table? TRUE 5) SAP memory does not use "Export to " statement for internal sessions? TRUE 6) There are 4 types of transportable request FALSE 7) Asynchronous tasks in Workflow require terminating event. TRUE 8) BADI"s are Workbench specific Enhancements? FALSE 9) If you create a data object without explicitly specifying its type, it will become type C with length one. TRUE 10) If the Internal table is empty while using FOR ALL ENTRIES then all the records from the DB w.r.t the where clause are fetched? TRUE 11) At User-command event is not used to handle the Function code of the pushbutton on the selection screen? FALSE 12) ALV Object oriented routines are not stored in SLIS Type pool? TRUE 13) $Tmp objects do not have any version management? FALSE 14) IDOCs are created, sent and posted in a specific order using Serialization? TRUE 15) Transport of Copies can be transported to only specific SAP system and are not transportable to any other system further ahead in the transport scenario. FALSE 16) Best way to populate a character, date and numeric field values BDCDATA internal table is by Write Left-Justified to BDCDATA-FVAL. TRUE 17) Switch Framework enhances the standard system by activating the industry solutions and their repository objects. TRUE 18) Data element should be changed to edit the online help for a "customer transaction nos" on the screen. FALSE 19) STRING contains character-type data and XSTRING contains data in the form of uncoded bytes. TRUE 20) BAPI is an object-oriented interface to integrate the external applications with SAP R/3 system. TRUE 21) A Unicode system has
22) Enhancement Framework is spread across
23) The SELECT ... ENDSELECT statement is also known as
the SELECT loop. Which of the following statements are true about SELECT
upto N rows
ENDSELECT? (A).A work area is required for the selected rows.
This work area can be given explicitly (with INTO) or implicitly (if a
TABLES declaration is used). (B).The database will transfer individual
rows to the database interface. (C).The database will transfer blocks of
rows to the database interface. (D).The system field sy-tabix counts the
number of selected table rows.
24) Workflow Agents can be determined at which of the
following levels? (A).Task Level, (B).Step Level
25) Which of the following is true for IDOC Message types?
(A).Logical representation of IDOC Data, (B).Can be used for both Outbound
and Inbound communication, (C).Can be used for Serialization
26) Which of the below are true in case of OO ABAP? (A).
A PRIVATE component of a class can be accessed in all methods of that class.
(B). A PROTECTED method METH that is defined in a class SUPER can be overwritten
(redefined) in an inherited class SUB. (C). All components of inherited
classes are PUBLIC. (D). A programmer can, but need not, determine the
visibility of a component. The default visibility of a component is PRIVATE.
27) IDOCs can be generated by which object type and method
in LSMW? (A).Batch Input Recording, (B).IDOC, (C).BAPI
28) Deadline Monitoring in the Workflow can be done starting
from which of the following ? A. WorkItem Creation B. Workflow Creation
C. Some expression with calculated Date & Time D. Rule Resolution
29) Which of these are enhancement Technologies? (A).Source
Code Enhancement, (B).Function Group Enhancement, (C).Class Enhancement,
(D).Workbench Enhancement
30) In how many of the following areas would you rate
yourself at 6/10 or better? (A). Core ABAP (Forms, Reports, Conversions),
(B).ABAP CRM, (C).ABAP HR, (D).Advanced ABAP (IDOCs Interfaces and Workflow),
(E).ABAP Enhancements with OO ABAP
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