Add two numbers in a shell script?
Echo `expr $1 + $2`——–arguments we pass two values
How will you solve “filename.sh permission denied” in linux? $ chmod +x filename.sh
What will happen when you execute root.sh? It’s used to create /etc/oratab file
How do you see how many instancesare running in Linux? ps -ef|grep pmon|grep -v grep|wc -l
Given an error number, how will you see description of the error and action in OS level? oerr ora 0060
What is SAR? (System activity report)? The sar (system activity reporter) command is useful for
displaying both current and historical processor load. Use sar with the
-u option to report on CPU statistics.
To report on the previous day’s worth of CPU statistics, use the -f option. The files that sar uses to report on statistics for different days of the month are located in the /var/log/sa directory and have the naming convention of saNN,where NN is the two-digit day of the month. For example, to have sar display CPU statistics for the tenth day of the month, run it as follows: $ sar -u -f /var/log/sa/sa10
The columns in the prior output have the same meaning
as the mpstat output A low %idle could be an indication that the CPUs are
underpowered or indicative of a high application load.
To use sar to report on the current day’s CPU activity,
simply specify the -u option:
To use sar to report on a previous day in the month, use
the -f option. See the examples in
If you have multiple CPUs, you can view the output per
CPU with the -P ALL options. You
Here is a partial listing of the output:
To display paging activity:
To display swapping activity:
To display block I/O activity:
To display block I/O activity for each block device:
To display network activity:
How will you remove memory segment in linux? There are two instances currently running [oracle@sss-oracle ~]$ ps -ef|grep pmon
use $ipcs to view the memory segments
—— Shared Memory Segments ——–
—— Semaphore Arrays ——–
—— Message Queues ——–
Shared Memory:
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