Linux Shell Script Questions and Answers #3

How will you create a swap size in your environment? And how will you find free space in swap and RAM in your environment?

To find RAM size

[oracle@sss-oracle ~]$ grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo
MemTotal:      1035064 kB
[oracle@sss-oracle ~]$ grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo
SwapTotal:     2097144 kB
[oracle@sss-oracle ~]$ free -l
total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       1035064     867052     168012          0      89100     592468
Low:        904056     761404     142652
High:       131008     105648      25360
-/+ buffers/cache:     185484     849580
Swap:      2097144        820    2096324

If you’re short on swap space, you can temporarily add a swap file to your server. As the root user, run the following commands to add approximately 1GB of swap space:

# dd if=/dev/zero of=tempswap bs=1k count=1000000
# chmod 600 tempswap
# mkswap tempswap
# swapon tempswap
Verify that the swap space was added with the -s option of the swapon command:
# swapon -s
To remove the temporary swap file, as root run the following commands:
# swapoff tempswap
# rm tempswap

After disabling the swap file, you should see the swap space in /proc/meminfo return to its original value.

How will you print the 25th line in your file?

$ cat -n filename|grep 25
$ head -25 filename | tail -1

Write a shell script to  check analyzed objects

# Script for checking analyzed objects


for i in `echo $*`
echo " "
echo " "
echo "---------- Analyzed status of  $i   -------------"
echo " "
echo " "

sqlplus -s /nolog <<EOF
conn / as sysdba
select table_name,last_analyzed from dba_tables where owner=upper('$i');


[oracle@sss-oracle ~]$ ./ test scott

---------- Analyzed status of  test   -------------

TABLE_NAME                     LAST_ANAL
------------------------------ ---------

---------- Analyzed status of  scott   -------------

TABLE_NAME                     LAST_ANAL
------------------------------ ---------
DEPT                                   30-AUG-15
EMP                                     30-AUG-15
BONUS                                30-AUG-15
SALGRADE                         30-AUG-15
B                                          30-AUG-15

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