1) Create users named anand, arun, deepak. Password for
the users the username itself.
2) Create a group named redhat. The user anand and deepak
should be the members of the group redhat. Assign the directory /groupmember
to linux group. The directory /groupmember should be accessible only to
the group members of redhat.
3) Using shell scripting add five users named mca1, mca2,
mca3, mca4, mca5. The password for these users is 'mca'.
4) The bootproto should be static Permanently change your
hostname to examX.mca.org, and your ipaddress should be 192.168.6.X. where
X is last two digits of your Reg. number.
5) Create a crontab such that user arun gets the message
‘Good Evening’ every day at 11:30 PM at terminal tty2
6) Using 'newusers' command create users named red1, red2,
red3. Password for the users is 'hat'. While Switch to that users it should
successfully log on and show the username and station name on bash prompt.
7) Tar the directory /X under /groupmember and zip the
tar file using of Bunzip2. ( Where X is 'Exam' )
8) Configure the yum client and install a package named
‘Open Office’.
9) Create a new directory named as 'localdisk' at /root . Make a new partition with 1 GB with the VFAT (Windows FAT LBA) file system and it should be permanently mounted at /root/localdisk . Make Another 1GB partition on Linux file system it should be permanently mounted at /linuxdisk. Note: After completing twenty questions reboot your system then type the following command:
1) useradd anand
2) groupadd redhat
3) vim script.sh
4). vim /etc/sysconfig/network
vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
5) crontab -eu arun
service crond restart
6) vim <filename>
newusers <filename>
7) tar -cvf /groupmember/filename.tar /Exam
8) vim /etc/yum.repos.d/<name>.repo
9) mkdir /root/localdisk
options -- n
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