How the system control the exchange rate calculation
in a billing document?
In the billing document there are Three exchange rates: They are: 1) Exchange Rate for Price Determination VBRP-KURSK between Loc. currency <-> Doc. currency. The determination of this exchange rate depends on the setting of field TVCPFLP-PFKUR in customizing copy control. In t-code VTFL in item data, you can try with different options in the field PricingExchRate type PricingExchRate type Short Descript.
Copy from sales order
2) Exchange rate for FI postings VBRK-KURRF between Loc. currency <-> Doc. currency. If there is a manual entry in the sales order field VBKD-KURRF (Goto -> Header -> Accounting), then it is copied into VBRK-KURRF. Otherwise VBRK-KURRF is determined automatically during
invoice creation. See the SAP note 36070.
3) The Exchange rate KKURS at condition level between Cond. currency <-> Loc. currency. It is always determined according to the Pricing date. See the SAP notes 92613, 97487. System has a field: Set exchange rate (VBRK-CPKUR), which is set to 'X' during VF01 if the field VBKD-KURRF of the referred sales document is not initial. The field VBKD-KURRF is not initial when the user inserted a value manually in the sales document. Otherwise, if the sales document was created with reference to a billing document. In this case the field VBKD-KURRF is filled from VBRK-KURRF of the copied billing document (in the billing document VBRK-KURRF is always filled). The copying of VBKD-KURRF from VBRK-KURRF occurs in the copy-routine set in transaction VTAF. |
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