In pricing, if we have 3 different materials, how
many condition record, condition table and access sequence and
condition type required. Pricing depends upon the factors that influence the Price of the Material/Service that you wish to buy. These factors can be anything that would have evolved from the Business/Market needs. Example - When you go to a Airline to buy a Ticket, you may be a frequent flier so you might get a frequent flier discount. You also may be carrying some promotional coupons so you may get additional discount. You might also want to use the Miles accumulated in the past therefore you can further claim discount. Basic Premise - Each Material/Service will have its own Pricing Procedure. Every Pricing Procedure requires a Table. Standard Tables are provided by SAP. Table carries all the possible parameters that influence the Price. You can also have your own Table with customised parameters selected from Field Catalogue. Table is mapped to Access Sequence. You can have your own Access Sequence. No need to copy exiting ones. Access Sequence would find a mention in the Condition Types. Condition Types carries how each factor influence the Price. For example Frequent Flier Discount in a Condition Type. Coupon Discount in one more Condition Type. Basic Price is also a Condition Type. Basic Price - Copy PR00 Condition Type and Rename. Discount - Copy RA01 Condition Type and Rename Instead of Copying the SAP Provided Condition Type, you can create your own if the condition needs lot of customisation based on Business Needs/requirements. Now you can include all your Condition Types in Pricing Procedure where you can also specify Sub Total / Total etc. the way it will appear in actual Sales Order/Invoice. Then you can map the Procedure as defined above for the Document Procedure defined in Document Type, Pricing Procedure assigned to Customer and the Pricing Procedure created in the above process. Then you can maintain Condition Records for each Condition Type where you will mention the actual values in % if Discount/Value if fixed Discount, Basic Price etc. So in other words, Pricing for each Material can have a Pricing Procedure. Each Condition Type will have a relevant Condition Record. There are be many Tables if there are several parameters influencing the Price. Limited fields can be put in 1 Table for convenience. Each Pricing Procedure will have Access Sequence which means this Access Sequence tells the Pricing Procedure which Tables to Access and in what Sequence. The ECC 6 SAP SD Pricing IMG can be found in the path: SPRO - SAP Reference IMG - Sales and Distribution - Basic Functions - Pricing - Pricing Control |
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