1. An Absence Record is created in Infotype 2001 with Time Constraint Class 01 collides with an existing Absence Record in Infotype 2001 that also has the time constraint class 01. The system reacts by delimiting the existing record. What is the reaction type used here? a. V
2. The duration of an Absence is calculated in different types of Units in Absence Infotype (2001). How is Unit Type Payroll Hours/Days used here? a. System calculates calendar days using actual calendar
days for the absence.
3. The Company ABC has Absence Quota Types Casual Leave (7days), Earned Leaves (20days) and Sick Leaves (7days). It has adopted a Leave Policy that an employee can avail of 2 days of Casual Leave from their Earned Leave Quota, if they have already exhausted the Casual Leave Quota during a Year. You can set up this rule through sequencing and prioritizing, by using: (Single Answer) a. Counting Rule
4. What are the different conditions you can specify in a Counting Rule: a. Conditions for Current Day
5. What is a Quota Multiplier in a Counting Rule? a. It specifies how Payroll Days/Hours are calculated.
6. In Absence Quota Infotype (2006) Negative Deduction field is displayed. What does this mean? a. It restricts the Quota from being deducted more than
the specified limits.
7. How do you activate a Quota Deduction for a particular Absence Type? (Pick only two answers which are more specific to the question) a. You can activate Quota Deduction by specifying Deduction
8. What are the different methods by which Quotas can be accrued? a. Manual Entry in Infotype 2006
9. When do you use a reduction rule for an Absence Quota? a. Employees are working part-time, and are not having
full entitlements to Quotas.
10. In Quota Type - Selection Rules (Using the IMG Node: Define Generation Rules for Quota Selection) you can make the following different settings: a. Usability can be determined for employees in a specific
Challenge Group.
--- Answers 1) e 2) c, d 3) c 4) a, b, c, d 5) a, b, c, d 6) b, c, d, e 7) b, c 8) All the above 9) All the above 10) All the above |
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